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DRDO Dare to Dream 3.0 Innovation Challenge - IndiaFilings

DRDO Dare to Dream 3.0 Innovation Challenge

The Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) launched its “Dare to Dream 3.0” innovation challenge as a tribute to Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. The program is launched for Emerging Technologies to promote individuals and startups for innovation in defense and aerospace technologies in the country after the call of "Aatmanirbhar Bharat". DRDO Dare to Dream 3.0 is an open challenge to promote innovators and startups in the country. Financial support of up to Rs 10 lakh for start-up and Rs 5 lakh for the individual category, will be given to the winners.

The objective of Dare to Dream 3.0

The objective of Dare to Dream 3.0 is to provide the right platform to the nation's innovators to unearth and realize their disruptive ideas and concepts in different disciplines of emerging technologies possessing military and dual-use identified by DRDO for enhancing defense capabilities. Dare to Dream 3.0 Dare to Dream 3.0

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria to apply for the Dare to Dream 3.0 are listed as follows: Individuals
  • He/she should be a Citizen of India and should have 18 years of age & above.
  • A maximum of 04 members including one defined Team leader can participate under the individual category.
  • Start-ups controlled by Indians and recognized by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade.
  • An individual having start-up may apply in the capacity of Individual as well as Start-up.

Categories of Innovation

The Defense Sector is seeking innovation in the following areas:
  • Remote Detection & Protection from CBRNE Agents
  • Underwater Communication Systems
  •  Smart Batteries and Self-Healing Batteries for Military Applications
  • Defense on Cloud (Blockchain Technology, IoT, ML, AI)
  • Cognitive Technologies for Sensing and Adaptation
  • Shockwave Applications for Defence
  • Innovative Ideas for Anti Drone
  • Ideas for Soldiers as a System
  • Non-Line of Sight Optical Imaging
  • Open Category: Exploring the Unthinkable and Unimaginable

Financial Assistance

 Award money of upto INR 10 lakhs for startups and INR 5 lakhs for individuals will be provided to the respective winners.

Financial Assistance

Individual Start-up
1st Prize 5 lakh 10 lakh
2nd Prize 4 lakh 8 lakh
3rd Prize 3 lakh 6 lakh

TimeLine of Dare to Dream 3.0

Application Opens 4th  October 2021
Deadline to Apply 25th December 2021

Application Procedure

The application procedure to apply for the DRDO Dare to Dream 3.0 Innovation Challenge is detailed below: User Registration
  • By clicking on the Register option, the form will be displayed. Furnish the details of Name, Gender, and Mobile Number. On successful verification of OTP, the user login ID will be credited.
Dare to Dream 3.0 - Register Dare to Dream 3.0 - Register Login to the Portal
  • Login to the portal using the login ID and password, the application form for the Dare to Dream 3.0 Innovation Challenge will be displayed.
  Provide Details in Application Provide all mandatory details in the application form:
  • Select the challenges for which you want to make submissions
  • An individual or start-up can apply for not more than five areas of challenge.
  • Provide a write-up for each challenge selected. You can also submit attachments (PDF format, less than 5 MB) with more details for the submission.
The winners will be declared after a comprehensive evaluation process by two-level committees i.e Domain Expert Committee ( DEC) and Independent Expert Committee ( IEC).  Award money of upto INR 10 lakhs for startups and INR 5 lakhs for individuals will be provided to the respective winners. Select proposals will also be given a chance to actualize their vision and ideas and contribute to the development of a robust defense ecosystem.   Author: RENU SURESH
Renu Suresh is a proficient writer with a knack for turning intricate legal concepts into clear, actionable advice. Her articles empower entrepreneurs by providing the knowledge they need to navigate the complexities of business laws, ensuring they can start and manage their businesses effectively.
Updated on: December 11th, 2021