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Arunachal Pradesh Society Registration - IndiaFilings Updated on: May 24th, 2024 9:19 AM

Arunachal Pradesh Society Registration

Society is an association of people or individuals united together with the aim and objective of providing service for the betterment of others. Societies Registration (Extension to Arunachal Pradesh) Act, 1978, governs the procedure for society registration and operation in Arunachal Pradesh. In Arunachal Pradesh, the Society has to be registered with the  Registrar in which district it is intended to be launched. After registration, the Society will have legal recognition, and it will be possible to run such a Society legally. In this article, we look at the procedure for obtaining the Arunachal Pradesh Society Registration in detail. In case you require any assistance for Arunachal Pradesh Society Registration, please get in touch with an Indiafilings Advisor at

Societies Registration (Extension to Arunachal Pradesh) Act, 1978

According to the Arunachal Societies Registration (Extension to Arunachal Pradesh) Act, 1978, a Society or association is an organized group of people united together by agreement to determine, deliberate and collaborate for charitable services. Society needs to be registered at the time of forming with an application at the concerned Registrar. Society should contain a minimum of seven members of the general body and a minimum of three executive committee members.

Objectives of Society

The purposes for forming a Society under the Societies Registration (Extension to Arunachal Pradesh) Act, are as follows:
  • Promotion of literature, arts, science or religion
  • Charitable purposes include the care or relief of orphans sick, helpless, aged, or needy persons
  • The diffusion of knowledge
  • The alleviation of the sufferings of animals
  • The establishment and maintenance of reading rooms or libraries for the members of the public
  • The dissemination of social or political or economic education
  • The collection and preservation of paintings, manuscripts, sculptures, antiquities, works of art, natural history specimens, mechanical and scientific instruments and designs
  • Any other object as notified by the Arunachal Pradesh Government as being beneficial to the public or a section of the public

Acceptable Name for Society

No society will be registered under a name which is identical with or too nearly resembles the title of any other organization or any corporate body which has been previously incorporated under this Arunachal Pradesh Societies registration act or any other laws. Society names should not contain the below-given words:
  • Patronage of Central or State Government
  • Union, State, Mortgage, Gandhi, Reserve Bank
  • Government Emblems and Names are not acceptable
  • Any word implying the sanction, approval
  • Name of Indian Institutes or University 
  • Names prohibited or registered by the Arunachal Pradesh Government or the Government of India through executive instructions
If two societies continue to exist with a similar name, the Arunachal Pradesh Government will send an order to change the name of the Society. Concerned Society has to change its name and alter its Memorandum of Association within three months from the date of issue of Government order. Note:  The name change will not affect the liabilities and rights of the Society or any legal proceedings by or against the Society.

Evidence of Society Registration

Any seven or more persons incorporated for any of the objects mentioned above can subscribe their names to an MOA (Memorandum of Association) and file it along with a copy of the regulations (Bye-Laws of Society) with the appropriate Registrar for registration of the association as a society under this Societies Registration (Extension to Arunachal Pradesh) Act, 1978. Upon registering a society in Arunachal Pradesh, Certificate of Regulations and Memorandum of Association (MOA) will be granted. These two documents are serving as evidence for Society registration.

Memorandum of Association (MOA)

The Memorandum of Association (MOA) will contain the following attributes:
  • The name of the association
  • The address of the registrar office of the Society
  • The object of the association
  • The names of the members of the Governing Body
  • The names, occupation and address of the signatories to the MOA
Note: After registration of the Society, the Memorandum (MOA) will not be changed.

Bye-Laws of Society or Document of Regulations

The Registrar will not accept any memorandum of association for the association of Society unless a copy of its companies by a copy of society regulations (Bye-law). The document of regulation will contain the following particulars:
  • The composition of the Governing Body
  • The manner of election or appointment or resignation or removal of the members of the President, the Secretary, the Governing Body and other officers
  • The admission to a member, resignation and removal of a member
  • The maintenance of the Register and facilities for inspection by the society members
  • The safe custody of the documents or property of the Society, including the manner of keeping or investing the sums of money of the Society
  • The procedure for holding meetings of the association, quorum, the period of notice for the meeting, the method of voting, the manner of voting by proxy.
  • The inspection of accounts & the proceedings of meetings by the members of the Society
  • The maintenance and audit of accounts
  • Other matter relating to the affairs or objects of the association

Documents Required for Arunachal Pradesh Society Registration

For Arunachal Pradesh Society Registration following documents have to be furnished:
  • Application Form
  • Proceedings of the first meeting
  • Self-attested copies of the regulation
  • Self-attested copy of address and ID proofs of the office bearers
  • Executive committee members' ID and address proof
  • Passport-size photographs of executive committee members
  • If the society office is in rented premises, a registered lease deed
  • In the case of the office is in its own premises declaration and no rent is collected from

Processing Time

The process of society registration in Arunachal Pradesh is performed within fourteen days from the date of application.

Society Registration Certificate

Certificate of Arunachal Pradesh society registration is valid for three years. Filings an application can renew the society registration.

Applicable Fee for Arunachal Pradesh Society Registration

For the registration of a society under Arunachal Pradesh society’s registration act, a fee of four thousand rupees needs to be paid.

Arunachal Pradesh Society Registration Procedure

The procedure for registering the Society in Arunachal Pradesh is in detail here:

Approach Registrar Office

Step 1: Applicant needs to submit the Memorandum of Association (MOA) along with a copy of the rules and regulations (Bye-Laws of Society) and all other required documents and applications to the concerned Registrar. We have herewith attached an Application Form is Arunachal Pradesh Society Registration: Step 2: On submitting the application form and applicable fee, the applicant will be provided with an acknowledgement slip with a unique reference number.

Verification by Registrar

Step 3: The concerned Registrar will verify the application, MOM, copy of regulation and required documents (refer to above). The concerned Registrar upon being satisfied that the Memorandum of association and the bye-law (regulation of Society) will certify and seal the society registration under Arunachal Societies Registration (Extension to Arunachal Pradesh) Act, 1978. The Register will also update the same into the Register of Society.

Get a Certificate of Registration

The Registrar will also grant a registered copy of MOA and regulation to the applicant. After obtaining these documents, Society can run legally in Arunachal Pradesh. Register of societies maintained at the Registrar's office contains up-to-date information about the registered societies. A citizen of Arunachal Pradesh can get a certified copy of the Memorandum of Association (MOA) or extract of a document or part of the report by filing an application and paying the applicable fee.

Alteration of Memorandum and Regulations

  • Society will not alter its Memorandum except with the previous permission of the Registrar in writing and the votes of its members.
  • Before granting permission, the Registrar will satisfy himself that the alteration does not make the Society ineligible for registration under this Act.
  • According to the provisions of this AP society registration act, the rules and provision of the Memorandum a society by the votes of three-fifths of the society members alter its regulations.

Alteration to be Filed

The applicant has to file a copy of every alteration of the society memorandum of association and the regulations with Registrar within thirty days of such modification. The Registrar will record the alteration within 30 days from the date of such receipt and will send intimation of the fact to the Society or communicate to the Society his objections to such revision.

Amalgamate with other Society

Societies will have the power to amalgamate with another society under Societies Registration (Extension to Arunachal Pradesh) Act. Whenever two or more societies desire to merge, the governing body of each such organization has to submit a joint proposal in writing to the Registrar for his prior approval. Note: No such proposal will affect unless the proposal, with the modification, if any, suggested by the Registrar is confirmed by three-fifths of the join members of the societies concerned. An appeal will lie to the Arunachal Pradesh Government against any order of the State. The government on such request will be final:
  • On the proposal being confirmed
  • The amalgamated Society will be registered under its new name
  • The registration of the amalgamating corporations will be cancelled
The assets and the liabilities of the consolidating societies will be the assets and the obligations of the amalgamated society.

Obligations of Registered Society

The name of the Society should be in the following places:
  • Prominently display the society name outside its office or the area where its business is carried on
  • Society should have a seal with its name engraved
  • Society should have its name mentioned in all documents executed in its favour or on its behalf

Register of Members

  • Every Society will have to maintain, at its registered office, a record of its members and the Register should enter the following particulars, namely
  • The name and address of each member
  • The date and time on which the member was admitted
  • The time on which a member ceased
  • Books of account and audit

Maintain Books of Account

Every Society should keep books of account at its registered office. Books of account contain all sums of money received and the source and all amounts of money expended by the Society: Note: Every Society should have its accounts audited once a year by a duly qualified auditor and need to have a balance sheet prepared by him. The auditor will also submit a report showing the exact State of the financial affairs of the Society.

Annual General Meeting

Every Society should hold an annual general meeting every year.  Produce balance sheet and auditor’s report at the annual general meeting of the Society. Annual and other returns have to be forwarded to Registrar within thirty days after the holding of every annual general meeting.

Arunachal Pradesh Society Renewal Procedure

The application form along with an audited statement of account has to submit to the concerned registrar office within a month from the date of expiration of the period (three years). The renewal fee is the same as the registration fee. Every application for renewal of the certificate has to be accompanied by a list of members of the managing body. On successful renewal, the applicant can collect the certificate on the same day of reporting.

Penalty for Late Renewal

  • An additional fee of four hundred rupees or one-fifth of the registration fee requires if applying within one month from the date of expiration of the certificate.
  • An additional fee of twenty rupees per month along with Rs.400 requires if applying after one month from the date of expiration.
  • For renewing certificate after one year from date of expiry, a penalty of ten times of additional fee (Rs.400) needs to be paid.