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Post by: Arnold Thomas in Business Registration Government Initiatives
Farmers Club The Farmer’s Club program (FCP) is a club where all the information will be collected by the farmers from the basic level in their village. This Farmer’s club is organised by the rural bank branches with support and…
Post by: Sinduja Shankar in Government Initiatives
e-RaKAM The Central Government of India has initiated an e-market platform named “e-Rashtriya Kisan Agri Mandi (e-RaKAM)” which enables the farmers to sell their agricultural products through auction. This digital platform aims to create better marketing opportunities to sell their…
Post by: Karthiga in Business Registration
eNAM National Agricultural Market (eNAM) is an online trading platform for agricultural commodities in India. This platform aims to create better marketing opportunities for the farmers to sell their products through a competitive and transparent price discovery system along with…