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Post by: Renu Suresh in Patents
Filing of Patent Information Form-27 for FY 2021-2022 It is mandatory under the Indian Patents Act, 1970 for every patentee and every licensee to file a statement as to the extent of commercial working of a granted patent in the…
Post by: Renu Suresh in Patents
Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2021 Ministry of Commerce and Industry has further amended the Patents Rules, 2003 in a notification dated September 23, 2021, to be called Patents (Amendment) Rules, 2021. The Amendment is brought under Rule 7 which prescribes the…
Post by: Renu Suresh in Patents
Patents (2nd Amendment) Rules, 2020 Ministry of Commerce and Industry has further amended the Patents Rules, 2003 in a notification dated 4th November 2020 to be called Patents (2nd Amendment) Rules, 2020. The Amendment is brought under Rule 7 which…