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Post by: Sinduja Shankar in Government Initiatives
Virgo Pension Scheme The Madhya Pradesh Government has launched the “Virgo Pension Scheme” in order to provide social security to the parents whose children are daughters. The main objective of this scheme is to provide financial assistance in the form of…
Post by: Sinduja Shankar in Government Initiatives
Delhi Old Age Pension Scheme The Government of Delhi has launched an old age pension scheme for the benefits of the senior citizens in the state. The main objective of this scheme is to provide financial assistance in the form…
Post by: Sreeram Viswanath in Government Initiatives
Artistes Pension Scheme and Welfare Fund India is blessed with a vibrant art culture and a plethora of artists who so profoundly decorate the nation through their endeavors. The Government of India, to aid these valued citizens, have come up…