2016 RBI Art Competition
2016 RBI Art Competition
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has announced an Art Competition to identify, recognise and encourage talented budding artists in visual art. The following are details of the competition with procedure for application.
Eiligibity Critieria
Any person who is a citizen of India and is currently a student of a professional art college can participate in the competition. There is no entry fee for participation in the competition. The participant can submit a maximum of three works and may be required to present himself/herself for an interaction with the Reserve Bank.
The following are some of the major terms and conditions of the RBI art competition:
- The work/s of art must not contain material that violates or infringes another’s rights, intellectual property rights, including trademark or copyright infringement.
- It also must not contain material that is inappropriate, indecent, pornographic, obscene, offensive, hateful, defamatory, or otherwise unsuitable for display/publication.
- The work of art must not contain religious symbols or representations.
The following are the specification of entries accepted into the art competition:
- Sculpture [Maximum weight – 25 Kg]
- Drawing [Maximum Size 100 cm x 100 cm]
- Painting [Maximum Size 100 cm x 100 cm]
- Print [Maximum Size 100 cm x 100 cm]
- Collage [Maximum Size 100 cm x 100 cm]
- Photograph [Maximum Size 100 cm x 100 cm]
- Other pictorial presentation [Maximum Size 100 cm x 100 cm]
How to Participate in RBI Art Competition
The RBI art competition will have two phases. The last date for submission of entries is August 31, 2016.
Phase 1
In phase 1, participants have to submit A-4 size image/ photograph (minimum 300 dpi) of artwork along with the entry form. A separate entry form must be used for each work. Name of the artist, title of the work, declaration of originality and signature of the artist should be inscribed at the reverse of the image. The images once submitted to RBI will not be returned. The artist whose art work/s are short listed in Phase I will be intimated at the address/ email given in the entry form. Such artists will be issued a certificate of short listing.
Phase 2
The artists whose entries are short listed in Phase I might be required to submit the original work in person on the date, time and venue indicated. RBI will reimburse single to-and-fro economy class air fare/ AC II Tier rail fare/ AC bus fare and transportation cost of the work on production of relative tickets/ receipts/ boarding passes. RBI will also arrange for free of cost stay of the artists at the venue where they are required to present their work. RBI reserves the right to retain the art work for a maximum of one week after it is presented to it. RBI may purchase the art work/s selected in phase II and such work/s will not be returned.
Judging and Winning Entry
The Reserve Bank’s Local Arts Committee (LAC) will judge the entries and its decision will be final and binding on the artist. The Reserve Bank would buy the selected works at a price agreed mutually between the artist and the Reserve Bank.