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Jharkhand Liquor License

Jharkhand Liquor License

Jharkhand Liquor License

A liquor license is a certificate that permits a business to sell alcoholic beverages at a particular place. A liquor license is granted by the Excise Department of the respective state. It is illegal for any individual to manufacture, dispense or sell intoxicating alcohol without a valid state-issued liquor license in India. The state government has set various rules and regulations under the Jharkhand Excise Act, making it compulsory to acquire a liquor license for restaurants, hotels, clubs, etc. In this article, we look at the procedure for obtaining a Jharkhand liquor license in detail.

Purpose of Liquor License

A person is required to obtain a liquor license for the following purposes:

  • Liquor license is necessary to avoid the unlawful trade of liquor in a particular state.
  • Liquor license is required to regulate the sale of alcohol.
  • It is prohibited for any individual to manufacture, distribute or retail in toxic ting liquor without holding a state license issued by the respective state supervisor of the Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Control.

Eligibility Criteria

To apply for a Liquor license in the state of Jharkhand, the applicant needs to satisfy the following conditions:

  • The individual should be age twenty-one years or above and should be an India citizen or a Person of Indian Origin.
  • A firm which is regulated by the Indian Partnership Act, 1932.
  • A company which is controlled by the Companies Act, 1956.
  • A society which is registered under the Jharkhand Co-operative Societies Act, 2008 or the Jharkhand Societies Registration Act, 1860.

Applicable Fee for Liquor License

The appropriate charge for the types of liquor license in Jharkhand are given below:

S.No Types of Liquor License License or Renewal Fee Excise Duty Other Fee
1. Setting up Breweries. Capacity up to 30 Lakhs bulk litre-Rs.80,000 per financial year or part of the financial year. Capacity 30-60 Lakhs bulk litre –Rs.12,00,000 per financial year or part of the financial year. Capacity more than 60 Lakhs bulk litre- Rs.15,00,000 000 per financial year or part of the financial year. Nil Nil
2. Setting up Distillery Capacity up to 30 Lakhs bulk litre-Rs.80,000 per financial year or part of the financial year. Capacity 30-60 Lakhs bulk liter –Rs.12,00,000 per financial year or part of the financial year. Capacity more than 60 Lakhs bulk liter- Rs.15,00,000 000 per financial year or part of the financial year. Nil Transport Fee Rs.2.50 per bulk liter. Export Fee Rs.0.25 per bulk liter.
3. Hotel, Restaurant and Bar. Five star hotel-Rs.20,00,000 per financial year or part of the financial year. Four-star hotel- Rs.18,00,000 per financial year or part of the financial year. In municipal areas Deoghar- Rs.18,00,000 per financial year or apart of the financial year. In Deoghar municipal area-Rs.12,00,000 per financial year or part of the financial year. Other than Five-star, four-star hotel and municipal area-Rs.8,00,000 per financial year or part of the financial year. Permit Fee Indian made foreign liquor- Rs.300 per liter. Indian made Beer/wine-Rs.15 per liter. Whisky, Brandy, Rum, Jin, Vodka etc-Rs.180 per litre. Beer-Rs.30 per liter.   Low strength carbonated alcoholic beverages: Rs.25 per liter.   Wine, Liquor and champagne-Rs.80 per liter.
4. Retail sale of Denatured spirit Rs.0.50 paisa per bulk liter at the time of permit. Nil Regulation Fee On import of Denatured spirit-Rs.1 per liter.
5. Consumption of foreign liquor by the member in club. All town area and ULB except Deoghar ULB- Rs.10,00,000 per financial per financial year or part of the financial year. Nil Nil
4. Setting up a Distributorship of foreign liquor Rs.3 per litre depending upon the declared excepted consumption in the financial year. Foreign Liquor Ex Distillery price up to Rs.900 to Rs.130 per litre. Ex Distillery price for more than Rs.900 to Rs.150 per litre. Beer Upto 5% to 8% V/V- Rs.30 per litre. More than 8% VV – Rs.35 per litre. Indian made foreign liquor Rs.12 per litre. Beer import fee Rs.6 per litre. Indian made wine Rs.4 per litre.
6. Setting up a distributor unit of foreign-made foreign liquor. Application fee of form 19E a Non-refundable fee: Rs.10,000 License fee-Rs.1,00,000 per financial year or part of the financial year. Imported foreign liquor label registration fee- Rs.30,000 per label per financial year or part of the financial year. Permit Fee(for hotel, restaurant, bar and club) Whisky, brandy, rum, jin, vodka etc: Rs.180 per litre. Beer: Rs.30 per litre. Low strength carbonated alcoholic beverages: Rs.25 per litre. Wine, liquor and champagne; Rs.80 per litre. Transportation permit fee Whisky, brandy, rum, jin, vodka etc: Rs.180 per litre. Beer: Rs.30 per litre. Low strength carbonated alcoholic beverages: Rs.25 per litre. Wine, liquor and champagne: Rs.80 per litre.
7. Setting up Distributor unit of Indian made wine. Rs.1,00,000 per financial year or part of the financial year. Excise duty Rs.66 per litre or 25% of Ex winery price whichever is more. Import fee Rs.4 per litre import fee.
8. Use and storage of denatured spirit Rs.0.50 paisa per bulk gallon at the time of issuing pass. Import pass fee- Rs.1.00 per bulk litre. On import Rs.1 per bulk litre.
9. Wholesale denatured spirit Rs.50 per financial year or part of the financial year. Nil On import Rs.1 per bulk litre.
10. Grant of Narcotics ND 5 Rs.200 per financial year or part of the financial year. Nil Nil

Documents Required

In case of Company:

  • Memorandum and  Article of Association.
  • The resolution declared by the Board of Directors regarding the proposed setup of Hotel, Restaurant & Bar.
  • A power of attorney by the Authorized director of Board to the applicant for Excise.
  • List of Directors with DIN No. approved by Form-32 granted by Company Registrar.
  • Certificate granted by Company Registrar regarding Company, not in liquidation.  Income Tax Return of Company (Last three years).
  • Balance-Sheet of Company.
  • Character Certificate of each partner (granted by the officer, not below the rank of S.D.O./D.S.P distributed within six months from the date of application.
  • The applicant is possessing rent Agreement Deed of Proposed Site or papers regarding the site.
  • Affidavit relating no dues of excise or any other Government Department.
  • Affidavit regarding the company is not blacklisted in any of the states.
  • Affidavit relating applicant Company or applicant has not punished under N.D.P.S., Excise Act, Molasses Act, I.P.C.
  • Three copies of blue Prints of the labelled map of the proposed site and its premises &its inside places. The plan must be certified by the applicant, Enquiry officer, District Excise Officer & Deputy Commissioner of the district.
  • Sales Tax Registration and  Sale tax Clearance Certificate from the concerned Sales Tax Authority where the company is currently working and also NOC from the authority of proposed business area.
  • Enquiry report of Excise Officer.
  • No Objection Certificate about Law and Order from proposed area’s S.D.O.
  • Certificate from Enquiry Officer that proposed site is as per tourist rules.
  • Any other documents which required by licensing /Sanctioning Authority.

 In case of Partnership Firm:

  • Registered Partnership Deed.
  • Joint consent of every partner regarding the establishment of Hotel, Restaurant and Bar.
  • General Power of Attorney by the Partners to the applicant for excise purpose.
  • List of Partners with Local and Permanent Address Proof.
  • Income Tax Return of Partnership Firm (Last three years).
  • Balance-Sheet of Firm.
  • Character Certificate of the applicant seven each partner (granted by the officer, not below the rank of S.D.O./D.S.P distributed within six months from the date of application.
  • Declaration of Firm’s Partner that who will present in Excise Department.
  • Affidavit relating no dues of excise or any other Government Department.
  • Affidavit relating applicant partnership firm or candidate has not punished under N.D.P.S., Excise Act, Molasses Act, I.P.C  Affidavit relating firm is not blacklisted in any state.
  • Sales Tax Registration and Sale tax Clearance Certificate from the concerned Sales Tax Authority where the firm is presently working.
  • Three copies of blue Prints of the labelled map of the proposed site and its premises &its inside places. The plan must be certified by the applicant, Enquiry officer, District Excise Officer & Deputy Commissioner of the district.
  • Enquiry report of Excise Officer.
  • No Objection Certificate about Law and Order from proposed area’s S.D.O.  Certificate from Enquiry Officer that proposed site is as per tourist rules.
  • Any other documents which required by licensing /Sanctioning Authority.

 In case of Proprietorship Firm:

  • Registered Proprietorship Deed.
  • General Power of Attorney to the candidate by the Proprietor to the applicant for excise purpose.
  • Permanent Address Proof.
  • Income Tax Return of Proprietorship Firm (Last three years).
  • Balance-Sheet of Firm.
  • Character Certificate Of the applicant and each partner (Issued by the officer, not below the rank of S.D.O./D.S.P issued within six months from the date of application.
  • Declaration of Firm’s Proprietor that who will represent in Excise Department.  Affidavit regarding no dues of excise or any other Government Department.
  • Affidavit regarding applicant proprietorship firm or applicant has not punished under N.D.P.S., Excise Act, Molasses Act, I.P.C.
  • Affidavit regarding Firm is not blacklisted in any state.
  • Sales Tax Registration and Sale tax Clearance Certificate from the concerned Sales Tax Authority where the firm is presently working.
  • Three copies of blue Prints of the labelled map of the proposed site and its premises &its inside places. The plan must be certified by the applicant, Enquiry officer, District Excise Officer & Deputy commissioner of the district.
  • Enquiry report of Excise Officer.
  • No Objection Certificate about Law and Order from proposed area’s S.D.O.
  • Certificate from Enquiry Officer that proposed site is as per tourist rules.
  • Any other documents which required by licensing /Sanctioning Authority.

In case of an Individual 

  • Declaration by the applicant that who will present in Excise Department regarding Excise purpose.
  • Income Tax Return of Applicant (Last three years).
  • Character Certificate Of the applicant (Issued by the officer, not below the rank of S.D.O./D.S.P issued within six months from the date of application.
  • Affidavit regarding no dues of excise or any other Government Department.
  • Affidavit regarding applicant has not punished under N.D.P.S., Excise Act, Molasses Act, I.P.C.
  • Sales Tax Registration and Sale tax Clearance Certificate from the concerned Sales Tax Authority if the applicant is presently working.
  • Three copies of blue Prints of the labelled map of the proposed site and its premises &its inside places. The plan must be certified by the applicant, Enquiry officer, District Excise Officer and  Deputy Commissioner of the district.
  • Enquiry report of Excise Officer.
  • No Objection Certificate about Law & Order from proposed area’s S.D.O.  Certificate from Enquiry Officer that proposed site is as per tourist rules.
  • Solvency Certificate granted from Revenue Officer, not below the rank of C.O.
  • Any other documents which required by licensing /Sanctioning Authority.

Application Procedure for Obtaining Liquor License

To apply for Jharkhand Liquor License, follow the steps specified below.

Visit Official Portal

Step 1: Visit the official portal of Jharkhand Excise Department.

Step 2: Click on “Login” button which is visible on the homepage of the portal if registered as the existing user.

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Jharkhand Liquor License- Image 1

Step 3: Click on the Signup link to create the new account and enter the Name, Mobile No., Email ID, Username, Password and captcha to log in.

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Jharkhand Liquor License- Image 2


Step 4: Click on Sign Up button to Register and create your account and then click on ‘Back to login’ link to move to the login page.

Step 4: Click on the New/Renewal Application tab and then fill up the required form for New/Renewal Application.

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Jharkhand Liquor License- Image 3

Step 5: Click on the Submit button after completing the form. Then the unique application number is generated against the application.

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Jharkhand Liquor License- Image 4

Step 6: Click on the Choose file to upload the supporting document in form of Pdf and press on the Upload button to save/update your file.

 Step 7: Click on the view button to view the uploaded document.

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Jharkhand Liquor License- Image 5

Step 8: Select Treasury Code and then select on the Pay Process button to go the Pay Now page.

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Jharkhand Liquor License- Image 6

Step 9: Click on the Final submission to submit your form. View your payment status and press the Go Back button to go your applied application list.

Step 10: Click on the Application List link to see the list of all new applications applied by the user.

Step 11: Click on the View button to view your application details.

Step 12: Click on the Download button to download all the certificates of approved applications by the authorities.

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Jharkhand Liquor License- Image 7

Step 13: Click on the Download button to view or print or download your license.