How to Reset iCFO Password
In case you have forgot the iCFO password or unable to login to the iCFO platform, follow the steps below to reset your iCFO account password.IMPORTANT: Enter your email id in lower case characters only. The email id is case-sensitive.
Correct: [email protected]
Incorrect: [email protected]
In case you are still having issues within accessing iCFO platform, you can try changing the password by following the steps below:Step 1: Click on Login to iCFO Platform

Step 2: Select Forgot Password

Step 3: Select Forgot Password

Step 4: Enter Code and New Password
The code will be sent to the email you entered in the step before. The password must contain a minimum of 6 characters.
Step 5: Click on Change Password
Click on change password. You can now login to iCFO platform using the link below:[maxbutton id="17" url="https://www.indiafilings.com/icfo/" text="Login to iCFO Platform" ]
About the Author
IndiaFilingsPost By IndiaFilings.
Updated on: December 16th, 2019
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