IndiaFilings » Learn » Google Pay – Payment Gateway on LEDGERS

Google Pay – Payment Gateway on LEDGERS

Google Pay – Payment Gateway on LEDGERS

Google Pay (also known as Google Tez or Pay with Google or Android Pay) is a digital wallet platform and online payment system developed by Google to power in-app and tap-to-pay purchases on mobile devices, enabling users to make payments with Android phones, tablets or watches.

In India, Google Pay is integrated with the UPI payment platform. Hence, any person who has a UPI payment account can configure Google Pay to send or receive money using UPI.

Merchants having UPI account can configure their LEDGERS to receive payment from customers having active Google Pay accounts.

Create an Estimate or Invoice

Create an estimate or invoice from LEDGERS with payment link enabled. Once the estimate or invoice is created, the customer will receive a payment link.

When the customer clicks on the link, he/she will be directed to a payment page. In the payment page, if Google Pay is enabled, the customer will have the option to make payment using Google Pay.

Google Pay Payment Flow – Mobile Phone

The following are the steps involved in completing a Google Pay transaction on mobile phone.

Step 1: Customer selects Google Pay option in the estimate or invoice page.

Note: If a customer does not have Google Pay installed on his/her phone, the G Pay option will not appear in the payment checkout page.

G Pay - Payment Flow - Step 1
G Pay – Payment Flow – Step 1



















Step 2: Customer selects Google Pay option in the estimate or invoice page.

Customer has the option to verify the payment amount. If OK, customer would click on Pay button.

G Pay - Step 2
G Pay – Step 2

Step 3: Customer authorises payment on G Pay app

In some mobile phones, the customer will be asked to verify on G Pay app, while in some apps, the customer will be taken directly to the UPI pin screen.

Step 3 - G Pay
Step 3 – G Pay

Customer must enter UPI Pin to authorise payment.

Step 3 - UPI PIN
Step 3 – UPI PIN

Step 4: Payment completed

Payment is complete and the customer is transferred to the receipt page.

Step 4 - Payment Complete
Step 4 – Payment Complete