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Andhra Pradesh Fire License - IndiaFilings

Andhra Pradesh Fire License

Fire license also called as fire No Objection Certificate (NOC) certifies that a building is in conformance to the fire code. Fire license is generally issued by the respective Fire Service Department of the State. To obtain fire license for a residential or a commercial building, the applicant has to meet specific guidelines laid by the Fire Department. The instructions differ from state to state. In this article, we look at the procedure of obtaining Andhra Pradesh fire license in detail. 

Fire Services Act, 1999

Fire Services Act establishes and maintains fire services and related matters for the State of Andhra Pradesh. As per the act, the Government or any Government authorised officer requires the owners or occupiers of the premises to take precautions for the risk of fire.

Who can apply?

Any individual prosing to construct high-rise or multistoried buildings that are more than 15 meters in height for commercial or business purposes are required to acquire Fire License from the Andhra Pradesh Fire Services. Public buildings like schools, hospitals, cinema halls, religious places that have more than 500 square meter plot area or above 6 meters of height should also apply for fire license.

Documents Required

Blue Print /Drawing of the Building Plan as required in National Building Code of India 2016 should be attached along with the application. The firefighting systems should comply with the requirements, as per Rule 15 of Andhra Pradesh Fire and Emergency Operations and must be marked in red in the plan. The documents required to be enclosed for Andhra Pradesh fire license in respect of buildings that are more than 15 meters height and large-scale industries are as follows.
  1. Estimation of required fire safety systems
  2. Copy of the Bank Guarantee - The bank guarantee should be for an amount of 15% of the estimated cost of the Proposed Fire Fighting Installations.
  3. Copy of the Undertaking - The undertaking should be on an Rs. 100 Non-Judicial Stamp Paper or in Form No.17 of AP Fire Service rules 2006.
  4. Risk Analysis report on the proposed industry obtained from technical persons duly mentioning the various Fire/Explosion risk involved in the process and safety measures required in respect of large scale industries and buildings more than 15 meters height and below 18 meters height
  5. Copy of the Declaration - The declaration must be signed by the owner/builder/developer.
  6. Copy of challan of the amount paid.
  7. Copy of the proof of surrendering the land for widening of the road - Letter from the applicable municipal corporation.

For Renewal of License

  1. Certificate from the authorised person certifying that all the safety installations are in good working condition.
  2. A declaration specifying that trained workforce is available at the time of emergency to handle fire safety equipment and devices.
  3. Declaration on whether any mock drill has been conducted or not. If conducted, details on the same should be provided.
Learn more about Telangana Fire license

Competent Authority

The Directorate of Fire Services is the competent authority for the issuance of Andhra Pradesh fire license.

Approving Authority:

The District Fire Officer is authorised for the approval of fire NOC for buildings up to 15 meters of height. The Director-General of Fire Services is authorised for the approval of fire NOC for buildings above15 meters of height.

Fees for Andhra Pradesh Fire License

The fee to obtain fire NOC depends upon the State authority and classification of the building. The Andhra Pradesh Fire and Emergency Operations collect a one-time fee for the issuance of No Objection Certificates. The fee details for obtaining Andhra Pradesh Fire NOC are given below.
  • For inspections regarding fire safety measures - Rs.10,000/-
  • For conducting mock-drills in Multi Storied Buildings/ Hazardous Premises other than Government Buildings Rs.5,000/-
  • For inspections against complaints Rs.2,500/-
  • For second and subsequent inspections requested on revised drawings/modifications/Amendments by the applicant. (For each occasion) - 5% of fee subject to a maximum of Rs.25,000/-
  • Inspection for revised no objection certificate - 10% of statutory fee subject to a maximum of Rs.50,000/-
  • For renewal of No Objection Certificate - Rs.10,000/-

Online payment through Single Desk Portal:

For buildings up to 15 meters height - Rs. 5,000/- for each block, i.e. depending on the nature of work. For building above 15 meters height - Rs. 10/- per square meter on the total built-up area.

Processing Time

Approval of Fire no objection certificate in the pre-establishment stage will be granted in 15 days. The Fire Services will verify the documents and if satisfied with the compliance of all fire safety rules, the final no objection certificate will be communicated within 60 days.


The pore-establishment Fire NOC issued is valid for a period 5 years for residential and 3 years for non-residential buildings (including hotels) from the date of issue. The Final Fire NOC/License, post-construction is valid for 1 year that is required to be renewed every year. Failing to renew NOC on time will attract penalty.

Online Application Procedure for Andhra Pradesh fire license :

The applicant can apply online for Andhra Pradesh fire license through the Single Desk Portal under the Department of Industries, Andhra Pradesh. Step 1: To apply online, visit the official website of the Department of Industries. Step 2: Under Investor services, click Single Desk Portal – Registration. Andhra Pradesh fire license - Single Desk Portal Registration Andhra Pradesh fire license - Single Desk Portal Registration   Step 3: The registration page appears. Enter the required details that include the following.
  • Personal Details
  • Contact Details
  • Upload Documents
  • Declaration
Andhra Pradesh fire license - Single Desk Portal Registration- Single Desk Portal Registration Form Andhra Pradesh fire license - Single Desk Portal Registration Form Step 4: Once Registered, a password is generated and sent through SMS to the registered mobile number. Step 5: Click Single Desk Portal – Entrepreneur Login under investor services. Use the user id and password to log into the online web portal. [caption id="attachment_61789" align="aligncenter" width="514"]Andhra Pradesh Fire NOC- Single Desk Portal Login Andhra Pradesh Fire License - Single Desk Portal Login Step 6: After logging into the web portal, fill the required application form and upload the essential documents for no objection certificate. Step 7: On completing the application, the applicant should submit the application. The common application form can be edited before the payment is made, but to edit after the payment, consult the department authorities through e-mail. Step 8: Once the application is submitted it appears on the dashboard of the Director General of State Disaster Response and Fire Services, Andhra Pradesh for buildings of height above 15 meters. For buildings of height 15 meters and below, the applications appear on the Dashboard of respective District Fire Officer. Step 9: The Inspection Committee will review the application and inspect the premises to submit their inspection report for further action. Step 10: Based on the inspection report, the respective officers will approve or reject the issue of No Objection Certificate. If the NOC is to be issued (or) to be rejected, the signed document will be uploaded into the Single Desk portal.

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Post By IndiaFilings.

Updated on: December 16th, 2024