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Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) - IndiaFilings

Amended TUFS - Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme

Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) is the flagship scheme of the Ministry of Textiles aimed at creating a modern and vibrant textile industry in India. TUFS Scheme was originally introduced in the year 1999 and has evolved over the years as the Modified Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (MTUFS), Restructured Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (RTUFS), Revised Restructured Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (RRTUFS) and finally, now as Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS). In this article, we look at the Amended Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (ATUFS), which was approved by the cabinet in December 2015.

Objective of Amended TUFS Scheme

The objective of the newly introduced Amended TUFS Scheme is:

  • Employment generation and export by encouraging the apparel and garment industry, which will provide employment to women in particular and increase India’s share in global exports.
  • Promotion of Technical Textiles, a sunrise sector, for export and employment.
  • Promoting the conversion of existing looms to better technology looms for improvement in quality and productivity.
  • Encouraging better quality in the processing industry and checking the need for import of fabrics by the garment sector.

The amended TUFS scheme is expected to give a boost to the “Make in India” scheme and attract investment to the tune of one lakh crore rupees and create over 30 lakh jobs.

Subsidy under Amended TUFS Scheme

Under the Amended TUFS scheme, there will be two broad categories:

  1. Apparel, Garment and Technical Textiles, where a 15% subsidy would be provided on capital investment, subject to a ceiling of 30 crore rupees for entrepreneurs over five years.
  2. The remaining subsectors would be eligible for a 10% subsidy, subject to a ceiling of Rs.20 crore on similar lines.

Availing the Amended TUFS Subsidy

A total of Rs.17822 crores has been approved for the Amended TUFS Scheme, out of which Rs.12671 crores would be used to support the liability committed under TUFS Schemes prior to the introduction of the ATUFS scheme. A total of Rs.5151 crores has been allocated for applicants under the ATUFS scheme.

The Office of Textile Commissioner (TXC) is being reorganised, and its offices will be set up in each state for disbursement of the amended TUFS subsidy. TXC officers will work closely with Entrepreneurs to process the ATUFS subsidy and verify the assets created using the subsidy.

Applying for the Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme through iTUFS

Application for an Amended TUFS subsidy can be made through the iTUFS online portal - introduced by the Ministry of Textiles.  The new online system aims to bring transparency in the entire subsidy claim process.

To apply for the Amended TUFS subsidy, an application can be submitted through the iTUFS online portal. Once applied online, the application goes for verification by different stakeholders (Ministry of Textile, Textile Commissioner Office, Bank and others). On receiving the approvals from the various stakeholders, the Ministry of Textiles finally released the funds. Once the application process is started, a Unique Identification Number (UID) is provided to the business to track the application online and get regular SMS/Email updates.

The guidelines for Amended TUFS can be accessed below:  

To know more about the Amended TUFS Scheme, get in touch with an expert on Nearest.Expert

Author: IndiaFilings
Post By IndiaFilings.
Updated on: May 24th, 2024