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Trademark Renewal

Trademark Renewal in Kerala

15140 Customers

Drafting and filing of trademark renewal application. For individuals, proprietorship's, registered SMEs and registered Startups.

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Trademark Renewal in Kerala

The trademark is a distinguisher that differentiates the goods and services offered by you from the competitors. A trademark cannot be registered it is offensive, it doesn’t have uniqueness and even in case if it contains government emblems. Renewing a trademark is necessary as a trademark registration has a validity of 10 years.

The process for trademark renewal in Kerala can be done 6 months before the date of the expiry of the trademark. Before the date of expiry, a notice is sent for renewing the trademark in Kerala. In case if the individual fails to do trademark renewal in Kerala, then the registrar may remove the trademark from the trademark journal. This happens only after 12 months after the date of expiry.

Restoration of the trademark is possible between 6 to 12 months after the expiry trademark registration can be renewed by payment of the fine.

Checklist for trademark renewal in Kerala

  • The trademark is registered and should be subject to renewal.
  • A trademark search should be conducted to ensure that there is no similar trademark
  • In case of conflict of trademark, it is necessary to take legal opinion for the same.
  • A renewal application is to be made with adherence to the appropriate conditions.

Apply for trademark renewal in Kerala through IndiaFilings.

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